CYBERPUNK 2077 BUG PS4 ➤ PS5 Fix? / 2023-2024

Fix Cyberpunk 2077 Saved data is damaged & cannot be loaded Error (Avoid Cyberpunk 2077 Save-Defect)
PSA: Don’t pick up too many items, craft too much, or play too long in Cyberpunk 2077 or your save will corrupt -
How to Avoid Cyberpunk 2077's Save-Corrupting Bug
Cyberpunk 2077 Corrupted Save Data Blank Template
Cyberpunk 2077 has more than its fair share of problems. Not only is there a litany of random bugs that can draw players out of the experience, but the game is also plagued with instability and crashing issues, particularly on the base PS4 and Xbox One systems. PC players seem to be free from many of these issues, but a new one regarding crafting has just been discovered on all platforms that may cause Cyberpunk 2077 saves to become unreadable. - Cyberpunk 2077: Crafting Too Many Items Will Corrupt Your Save
Update: The 8MB save size limit was removed in 1.06 version of the game. Previously damaged save files will remain this way. Further investigation why the save files are bigger than expected is ongoing.
Unfortunately the save is damaged and can't be recovered.
Please use an older save file to continue playing and try to keep a lower amount of items and crafting materials.
If you have used the item duplication glitch, please load a save file not affected by it.
The save file size limit might be increased in one of the future patches, but the corrupted files will remain that way. -
check the size of the save game files, if they reach a certain size. they can/will get corrupted by being to big, i had something similar that happened to me, each file that reached over 12Mb went dead, everyone under that worked fine.6. apr. 2024
save data is damaged - Cyberpunk | Forums - CD Projekt Red
Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 2.01 Announced, Should Fix Game-Breaking Save Corruption Bug on PS5
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