RECOMMENDED: 90 YEARS AGO Ella Maillart's journey through Inner Asia / 2024 🌎

1934: „Ella Maillart decided to cross Central Asia to visit one of the world’s most secretive regions, Chinese Turkestan”
a Swiss writer, journalist, photographer and traveller, was born in Geneva, Switzerland. A youth of skiing, hockey, reading adventure books, and sailing the Mediterranean with Hermine de Saussure (‘Miette’) led to Maillart helming for Switzerland in the 1924 Olympics. After various jobs, including teaching English in Wales, she moved to Belin in 1929 where she met Russian refugees. This inspired a trip to Russia and the Caucuses in 1930, providing material for her first book ‘Among Russian Youth’ (1932). Further trips followed, along the Silk Road, to Turkey, Iran, Turkestan and Manchuria. Maillart travelled across China, east to west, with fellow author and journalist Peter Fleming (1907-1971), and this experience is narrated in ‘Forbidden Journey’ (1937). Maillart spent the second world war in India. -
„The year 1934 undoubtedly marks her most dangerous and extraordinary, physically enduring and psychologically thorny, journey. Sent as a reporter for Le Petit Parisien to Manchuria, Ella Maillart decided to cross Central Asia to visit one of the world’s most secretive regions, Chinese Turkestan. Accompanying her on this thrilling and dangerous adventure is Times journalist Peter Fleming. If that name rings a bell, no wonder: he’s the brother of Ian Fleming, writer of the famous spy 007! While the duo had authorization for the first part of their journey, the rest of the journey involved taking impossible routes and avoiding border crossings. After seven complex but fortunately politically trouble-free months, the grail of Kashmir is reached. What we wouldn’t do for a scoop for the French and British press!” -
„Who was Ella Maillart?
Firstly, she was as free as the breeze. She also was one of the great travellers of the 20th Century and lived life to the fullest and on her own terms. Thirdly, she was a pioneer: As a photographer, as a connaisseuse of the Far East, as a self-marketing publicist, and as a woman far ahead of her time: independent, fierce and astute.” -
Ella ‘Kini’ Maillart was an ardent traveller, a bride of the wind and a storyteller, like the world had not seen before. 2017 sees the 80th publishing anniversary of her Forbidden Journey from Peking to Kashmir. Let us celebrate the occasion and take in the sweeping panorama of her adventurous life story.