Kristóf Erdődy opening exhibition planned out by guerilla artists placing statue in the City Park of Budapest /// 2012 summer 🗿📜🏴☠️

Tamás Csercsa - electrician - receiving bust statue by common artist group. This decision was rightaway launching a City Park statue series honoring everyday people.
The common image of loyalty expressed through the plasticity of randomly placed statues of Budapest based characters is helping the perception of exceptional individuals doing you good. They are not generals, foreign political geniouses or local literary demi-god cult-figures. Csercsa for example is simply fixing your electric viring, rebooting your WINDOWS OP-system if need be. He deserves the gratitude. The statue seen on the photograph above - taken by Erdődy - highlights the movement showing an idea manifesting immediately.
Families with kids appeared on the scene making a happy piknik out of the unusal ceremony using the abandoned ground nowadays soon to be gentrified...