Examplary female scientists and artists series - midnight lecture 11 / 2024.03.29. 🎻♀️⚗️

Horváth Eszter
Esther Horvath is a contributor photographer for National Geographic, a Nikon Ambassador and photographer for the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research. Her work focuses on documenting climate research in the polar regions.
Esther is a fellow of the International League of Conservation Photographers and a member of the Explorers Club.
In 2022, she received the Infinity Award from the International Center of Photography in New York for her work in raising awareness about conservation, environmental justice and climate change.
Esther won the 1st price in World Press Photo Award, Environmental single category in 2020.
DETAILS: estherhorvath.com
• A történelem eddigi legnagyobb sarki expedíciója: Horváth Eszter a Polarstern fedélzetén
• Horváth Eszter magyar fotós nyerte a World Press 2020 díját
• International Center of Photography (ICP) >>> Infinity Awards for Horváth Eszter
• Horváth Eszter esete az Északi-sarkkal – Képriport a jég birodalmából
• Horváth Eszter on wmn.hu (2020. SZEPTEMBER 24.)