PANDA VARIETÉ - the performance group of Klub Vittula on stage again /// 2013.03.24.✨🎭

Klub Vittula always had - not only an exhibition space - but also a strange & funny performance group. The yearly fashion shows and poetic short plays one after another slowly became something more than just young adults having fun late at night... they also appeared in Brussels, later France and on Sziget Fesztival in Budapest.
Erdődy is reading a poem during the show surrounded by other Vittula members dressed in weird costumes. Rule was, special key words have to be included in the poem. These were dictated to Erdődy by Dr. Rita Panda Kiss 30 minutes before the start! He did it. The poem was a hammer!
The organizer herself is a costume collector, and is making up the show herself. The by now 10 year old performance group consisting of 1st generation Vittula artists, couples and regulars is not an everyday sight.