RECOMMENDED: Unplastic Fashion - Environmentally Friendly Design (Iceland) / summer 2019 🇮🇸🧥👕👖👔👗🌱

“Polyester is plastic, and if you put it in the washing machine it releases microplastics.”
Unplastic Fashion: Marko Svart’s Handmade, Environmentally Friendly Design
„As Marko Svart and his partner, Momo Hayashi, show me around their one-month-old store, they’re like new parents—happy, nervous, tired, but immensely proud. And they have every right to be. Having worked their way up from a stand at Kólaportið and selling jewellery at pop-ups and street stalls, their new boutique is the culmination of the hard work they’ve put into their brand, SVART by Svart.
The shop on Týsgata is beautiful and inviting, with a bright blue wall behind the counter and simple wooden furniture—all handmade by the owners themselves. In fact, every single item in the shop was made by Marko and Momo, from the racks of hand-stitched minimalist clothing to postcards, marine-inspired jewellery and slightly surprising stuffed whales. But even the whales represent the minimum-waste ethos of the brand: they’re made from leftover scraps of material, in the spirit of the ‘slow fashion’ movement.”