Monty Cantsin invited by Kristóf Erdődy to Griff Art Center, Budapest /// 2019.10.26.🇨🇦🌈

Monty Cantsin (born Istvan Kantor, August 27, 1949 in Hungary)
Cantsin is a Canadian performance and video artist. He is also known for his industrial music and electropop career.
His action is to be arrested after interferring in museums, errupting silent exhibition spaces. His agenda is the following:
Museums are about dead people, not interrupting the living, while contemporary artists are living in poverty.
Like Jane Fonda recently, aim of Cantsin is to get the attention of authorities!
He is letting his blood for 4 decades, painting with it, going to court where he is able to explaini his philospohy to a broader audience!!!
As one of the founding members of Neoism in 2019 during a short trip to Budapest, Hungary he is paying Griff art Center a visit.
Location: underground.
Start: 21:00
Event: Cantsin is talking about the early days of Neoism - after that an open debate is avaiting those joining.
Photographs taken by Erdődy can be found >>>>> HERE in the photo collection menu