15th ANNIVERSARY of The Million Dollar Homepage / 2021.08.26. 🎂🌐🏺🤓

„In 2005, British student Alex Tew had a million-dollar idea. He launched www.MillionDollarHomepage.com, a website that presented initial visitors with nothing but a 1000×1000 canvas of blank pixels. At the cost of $1/pixel, visitors could permanently claim 10×10 blocks of pixels and populate them however they’d like. Pixel blocks could also be embedded with URLs and tooltip text of the buyer’s choosing.” - lil.law.harvard.edu/blog/2017/07/21
„The Million Dollar Homepage was a phenomenon in 2005, but almost a decade on, it stands as a monument to the fragility of the internet: over one-fifth of the links on the site are dead. The site was started by Alex Tew, then a 21-year-old student from Wiltshire.” - www.theguardian.com post from 2014
MORE: I Bought a Million Dollar Piece of Internet History | Nostalgia Nerd