Revisiting spots: former location of Rákóczi Pékség Budapest - sunrise eatery and one night stand hook-up place 2000-2010 / 2019.11.29. early afternoon 🗣️🚧

Mentioned in Erdődy's poem A csillagosra festett kék mennyezet alatti bárpultok: Budapest 2000-ben
Rákóczi Pékség (literally a bakery, 1957-2013) used to serve sour salads aon plastic plates later addig sandwiches.
The only thing you were able to get around the year 2000. 3-4 NON-STOPs far away from each other,
no delivery gangs, no apps, no nothing.
Drunk customers - especially horny men and more often women!!! - udsed this after-after-after place to compensate a bad date of if left out of a fun late night sex skirmish...