Closing party of Ellátó Bár - one of the last original ruin bars from the early 2010s Erdődy has documented over the years / 2019.11.24. 🏡🌺🍻⚠️

Closing party of Ellátó Kert & Taqueria founded by Judith Gyüre, underground character from the legendary 1980s!
Ellátó Kert is the successor of the original (1st) Ellátó Bár from 2007-2010 (location back then: 1072 Bp., Klauzál tér 1-2.)
Venue: (nowadays called) Ellátó Bár -> not to confuse with the newest instalment located in Dob utca 19., 1074 Budapest (which launched 2015)
Ellátó in Kazinczy utca is one of the last ruin bars still made with the intention to surve mostly locals.
Address: Budapest, Kazinczy u. 48, 1075
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